About Me

- Jay Proulx
- Ottawa, ON, Canada
- Senior RIA consultant with a focus on Adobe's arsenal of platform products.
So I've been digging through Mate (like "latte", but less expensive and more useful), and comparing it to Cairngorm which I have the most experience with. So far, way to go asfusion! I haven't completed my review yet so I don't want to give a list of all of my impressions but so far it looks really good. It scales better than the existing Cairngorm implementation, and the documentation is somewhat geared towards Cairngorm developers without actually saying so.
The one thing I've already been wanting is a strongly typed implementation of EventHandlers.
So here you go: TypedEventHandlers.as @ github
Now you can do this without your EventHandler catching ResizeEvent.RESIZE events:
<TypedEventHandlers eventType="{NativeWindowBoundsEvent}" type="{NativeWindowBoundsEvent.RESIZE}">
<!-- Store the size of the window in SettingsManager -->
<PropertySetter generator="{SettingsManager}" targetKey="windowWidth" source="{event.afterBounds}" sourceKey="width" />
<PropertySetter generator="{SettingsManager}" targetKey="windowHeight" source="{event.afterBounds}" sourceKey="height" />
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